We sometimes complained because the air of our cities, we can't breath

In Peru:
Farm pollution
Toxic waste
Waste water
Nuclear power station

How can we do to save the planet?
It is a reality in our country, but these facts should stop it. Without a doubt, they should be put in jail for 25 years. But I don’t agree. This people should be severely penalized.
The psychologist said that the criminals have a personality psychopath. Then, they should sentence to life in prison.
I think that, in our country to reduce crime, this government needs to make something about its fundamental causes, such as poverty and unemployment.
What kind of punishment should they receive?
This crisis is given by the mistaken form and the bad distribution of the national wealth, to all the sectors, towns, parishes, and cities of the country.
What is your opinion about the economic crisis?
One of the main sources of the inequality is the discrimination. According to survey, the Right to the equality, the social class, the race, the ethnic origin, the nationality, the religious filiations or the political ideology.
The discrimination is a social phenomenon at world and in the social life. For example:
The racial physical violence
The community of black race
The gender discrimination (sex)
People with disability
In my opinion it is that the difference exists and it is real, therefore, we all make part of a single society, of a single community and is necessary to learn the respect for other cultures, other opinions and even other classes social but the same rights and independently of our race, sex or social condition.
How can we change about discrimination?
In the regions less developed of our country, the number of high school student is twice lower. There are many children that can't go to the school or there are not many resources in the cities.
According to survey, the illiteracy has increased 25% in many regions. The most of the children or youths begin to work to support to their families.
Without a doubt, it will continue to rise until the government takes action. What would you do to change the education in our country?
based on research with over 20,000 poor people in 23 countries, identifies a range of factors which poor people identify as part of poverty.
I think, if the government creates a plan strategic to solve the poverty. this plan could change the situation of our country. for example : education,health, crisis economic.
what's your opinion about article?